Leadership starts with me
Jae Sloan Jae Sloan

Leadership starts with me

Leadership ‘training’ is actually a subtle form of aggression when what’s being taught starts with asking us to get rid of parts of ourselves for the sake of becoming what others have defined as a ‘leader’. In fact, leadership starts with knowing who we are at our core and embracing who we are without judgement.

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Pay attention, lead, move forward
Jae Sloan Jae Sloan

Pay attention, lead, move forward

Seeing the news of big organisations abandoning their DEI programs, targets, initiatives, what-have-you, I’ve been checking in with myself about how I feel. This blog articulates where I am and what advice I have for others as we process what’s going on together.

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Work Is a Beach
Jae Sloan Jae Sloan

Work Is a Beach

Trips to the beach can be relevant to work because accessing parts of ourselves beyond just our minds is important to how we perform at work. Getting out into nature with intention can help us reconnect with ourselves in a way that can lead to more innovative thoughts, help us reconnect with our purpose and strengthen/restore our bodies (and minds). In other words, we are not just minds and what matters to performing our best is also how we feel in our bodies and connect with our spirit.

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Moving through trauma at work
Jae Sloan Jae Sloan

Moving through trauma at work

We often experience trauma at work, but we don’t often talk about it. Here I share some thoughts about how we experience trauma and some simple techniques to address it.

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